My signature pads patches - used on over 800+ songs from Jesus Culture, Kari Job, Bethel Music, Chris Tomlin, and more...

Pads. Warm, wide, ambient... it's interesting because while pads at their core are very very simple... it's often a real trick to get them "just right."

And actually, that is a subtlety many never quite get - a slight eq shift, a slight filter tweak, a subtle volume change - these can all dramatically impact the perception of pads.  

(Well any patch I suppose - but with pads, the ability to really "sit" in a mix is key." 

This collection includes an incredibly wide range of sounds - full, warm, bright, shiny... there's a lot of texture to utilize. 

Sounds from this bundle are literally on every single song I've worked on.   

I highly recommend checking them out, and messing with the subtle shifts possible in software. What you'll find is a deceptively large range of sound possible from just a few pads.
1.) Buzzy Pad
Arguably the most useful patch in my arsenal. This patch works great to add high end noise, fill space, and sounds great with a low pass filter... it becomes my "main pad" that I use live. A few distortion plugins, and it's a crushed lead sound. 

Extraordinarily useful. I love this patch.
2.) Chroma Pad
The classic Jupiter style of pad. It takes a while to open the filter, slowly brightening and building tension and emotion. This fills a deceptively large space in the mix. Adjust the Filter Envelope and you get a sort of "brassy" patch reminiscent of the 80s.
3.) Flowers Pad
An instant classic. I first head something similar to this pad on the Brandon Flowers song "Only The Young." While the sound is classic Juno, it was the first time I had encountered it being used that boldly. I immediately set out to recreate it. 

This patch has a wider range of tone and texture - smart usage of the low pass filter will get the user a long way. 
4.) Huge Pad
This is sort of the other side of the coin to the Buzzy Pad. Really bright, this pad has choir aspects that feel larger than life. Useful whenever an "ahhhh" dynamic is needed, it also serves well as a dramatic shift in tone.

Where the Buzzy pad is more obvious and a little harsher, this pad is all warmth - even the high end "feels" nice to the listener.
5.) Shimmer Pad
I probably named this patch wrong. (To be fair, I named it before "shimmer" was such a buzz word in the synth space.)

Extremely inspiring as a "swell" - automate the filter with a knob (or draw it in,) and you can get some incredible swells. (Take that, guitar players!!!)
6.) Space Verb
Huge. Verbed. Ambient. Did I mention its huge?

Once you find the right space in a mix for this pad, it's astounding how much interesting movement comes through. Useful as an alternative to the classic Juno or Worship Pad patch. Songs featuring this patch take on an immediate and unexpected dramatic flair.
7.) Subtle Walking Pad
Sometime a few years ago, I discovered that sometimes "pads" aren't actually "pads." Sometimes it's just reverb.

(There's something of a lesson here - go watch my instructional videos... ha!) 

This patch utilizes an interesting synth, some arpeggios, and a bunch of reverb to create movement and ambience together.
8.) Sweeps Pad
I'm not usually a fan of slow burn pads - but this one is just awesome. 

It was created using a pad layer, and some reversed piano arpeggios shoved through reverb... the result is a unique take on the "Shimmer" sound so much worship teams love these days.
9.) Swirl Pad
Another analog sounding patch. This patch makes heavy use of Chorus and Unison - the result is something that would sit well behind the mix.  

Works well as a layer or alternative to the other "classic" analog style pads.
10.) The Worship Pad
For all the times where the classic sound is the best choice.

I originally made this patch somewhere in the neighborhood of 13 years ago (?!?!?!) when I was trying to recreate classic Delirious sounds. What came out was the classic "Worship Pad." 

This patch works exceptionally well as a "2 note drone" pad seated way behind the mix.



Reason 6+

All patches are included in Reason format. These are the exact patches I use to record, play live, and sequence on hundreds of albums, songs, tours and more. 

Requirements: Reason 6+, SR Retro Keys for "Huge Pad" Patch

MainStage 3+

All patches are included and working in MainStage 3. They sound great. Includes reverb samples on a separate channel.

Requirements: MainStage 3

Kontakt 5+

All the patches are multisampled and available in to use with Kontakt. They sound great. Note: these do not work with Kontakt Player, but rather the full version of Kontakt. 
Requirements: Kontakt 5 (Full version - not just Kontakt Player)

Ableton - Sampler

All the patches are multisampled and available in Ableton's Sampler instrument. They sound great. 

Sampelr is a part of Ableton Suite, or available as a separate $99 purchase. 

Requirements: Ableton 9+ w/ Sampler Installed

If you don't know me, I'm Ian McIntosh, Producer and Keyboardist at Jesus Culture, and founder of Synth University.
I help keys and synth players master synthesis, sound design, and audio software.

I do this through my In Context Training Method I employ at Synth University, as well as through my premium patches for Reason, Mainstage, Ableton, and Kontakt… so you can produce better albums, design better sounds, and create amazing sequences and arrangements. 

Atmosphere Pads is a collection of sounds responsible for the ambient tone heard on hundreds of songs from Jesus Culture, Bethel, Kari Jobe, and more...

With it, you instantly unlock legendary ambience in your rig - just download and open the patch!

Now, go forth and start creating!


Atmosphere Pads ONLY
Atmosphere Pads Only
  • 10 iconic patches
  • All Available Formats
  • Instant Download


$240 Normally


  • Atmosphere Pads
  • ​+ Vast Pads
  • ​+ Dream Pianos
  • ​+ Luminous Juno-60
  • ​+ Vintage Synthesizers
  • EXCLUSIVE:  Limitless Synths
(Just $12.80 per bundle)


 How Do The Requirements Work Exactly - Will It Work For Me Or Not?!
These are patches you can download into various Audio Softwares to use in your setup - live or studio.

Depending upon the version you are planning on using, you may need additional files or software to get it working.  This is just because you're getting literally what I'm making for my own work :)

Kontakt Versions: Kontakt 5 only, no additional requirements

Ableton Sampler Versions: Ableton Sampler Instrument required, no additional requirements.

MainStage Versions: Nothing additional required

Reason: You'll need the same Refills I used - Atmosphere Pads has a patch that needs SR Retro Keys, Dream Pianos needs Reason Pianos and Abbey Road. The other patch bundles are stock-sample friendly.
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